First Scribe Reports of the New Year!

Sydney Shelby
Per 5
What we have learned in class so far are the stages of a plot, like the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. The second week of school we made a story board of the summer book we read with summaries of the plot, setting, characters and conflict. For the next 2 weeks, we made a Keynote presentation about the story, The School Play. We had to make slides for all the stages of the plot and the elements of the story like we did on our poster boards.

Aidan Lee
Per 2
This week in Language Arts 6 we took a test on what we learned in the first part of our language arts class and the story, Just Once. The student jobs were assigned one day as well, so there isn’t too much to write about yet. We also had block day on Thursday.

Conner Childers
Per 5
The first couple weeks of school were review and now we are starting to learn
new things.We are starting to get a lot of passwords and usernames for a lot of sites. For example, we have got passwords and usernames for so many sites and we have to document them or else we will forget them. The technology we use can be a little difficult at times, and we are still learning how to use it. We have started real PE, and I bet some of use are getting real fit! We have played flag football!

Mason Beske
Per 6
The summary of what we did this week is that we learned how to write properly. We also watched a video on the stages of a plot and did a Keynote presentation for The School Play. We learned about the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. WE also corrected a couple of sentences for our bell work. We wrote some things in our Think Tank. These are the things we did this week.

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