


While we read this story we would have each person on our group have a name tag saying predictor, summarizer, questioner, or clarifier.
The predictor would tell the group what they thought the author would tell about in the next section. The summarizer would record and tell the group the main idea of the passage and the important supporting details. The questioner would ask questions (on the top or below the surface questions). The clarifier would ask if anyone got stuck on a word or an idea.

Scribe Reports

We have been doing a lot of fun things this week. We have been learning about how
to write persuasive essays and we have been writing our civilization essay for
social studies. A lot of people like working on social studies during Mrs. Medina’s
class time. This week has been great! We have learned so much!
Grace Ann

Last week in Language Arts 6 we talked about inferences, which is the process of
arriving at a thought based on what you have read. On Tuesday we
learned about similarities and differences. On Wedsnday we learned about cause
and effect. Then on Thursday we watched All Summer in a Day. And today we are
taking a test. Ben

Timeline Project



Students in Mrs. Medina’s Bible class created their own personal timeline to document the moments in their life that have shaped who they are today, as well as the milestones to look forward to. The lesson was part of a “know yourself” component to Social and Emotional Literacy, and was tied in with Hebrews 13:8– “Jesus Christ  is the same yesterday, today and forever.”