My Reflection on Learning

Reflect back and share something you have truly learned this year. Something that made an impression in your mind that you will carry with you long after you finish 6th grade.

37 thoughts on “My Reflection on Learning

  1. This year I have learned how important it is to slow down and listen. I have learned that conversations with students are more important than the task at hand. I have learned that each student has something extremely valuable to say!

    • I learned about god, and how people at Monte Vista worship god, while being reverent but having fun too. We also had many group or self projects over the year. The collaborative book reports were really fun to present, the eight parts of speech project let me step out of my box, the debates in seventh period had me arguing out of my wits end. But probably the most important project or thing I have done in sixth grade is meet new friends, have fun, and most importantly starting my journey through middle school. I grew as a learner by really thinking through my actions, and trying to learn while balancing sports too.

    • Ummm…… good question.. My favorite memory is when we did the Olympic Games. We did all the events including ultimate frisbee, discus, running, and bowling.

  2. In 6th grade I learned how to solve algebraic problems and learned how to graph linear equations. I’ve learned how to write poetry and distinguish the layers of the earth. In social studies I learned about the history of America, china, India, and Mesopotamia. I have learned how to jump higher in horsemanship.

  3. As I look back on my 6th grade the things out to me from my journey through learning is getting know the teachers and their style of teaching. The most memorable project was the collaborative book report. I learned that collaborative working is harder than it sounds. I grew as a learner by improving my writing and reading comprehension.

  4. Throughout 6th grade Ive learned about many things, but the things that I will remember the most are from Social Studies. This class had a lot of interactive project, witch help me remember things. I will remember a lot from other classes too because these classes had a lot of cool projects.

  5. The most memorable project that I’ve done was my Earth Science movie trailer for finals. The students got to choose between 7 different topics. The group that I was in chose Parts of California Falling into the ocean. There was one page we had to write about the science in our trailer and our contributions. I have learned so much and exceeded my expectations for my first year, in sixth grade at Monte Vista.

  6. I’ve accomplished many things I did not know I could accomplish. I’ve learned much more than I have ever learned before in one year. I did not even know the eight parts of speech and now I know it like the back of my hand. I would easily recommend this school and the teachers.

  7. What stands out to me from my journey through learning this year was having to learn all the stuff that leads to the final for the classes for each period. The most memorable project was the collaborative book report on our iPads on google drive. I can say I learned how to write an essay WAY better then the beginning of the year. The ways I grew as a learner were writing essays, taking tests, and working with other people with google drive

  8. I’ve learned a lot in social studies… I learned so much about Greece. My old school didn’t teach us too much bout social studies. I also learned how to improve my poetry in language. This was important because I love poetry and I’m a poet obviously.

  9. I learned about the daily life of a Greek citizen. I’ve learned to eat Greek food and dress in the same way the Greek people do. I grew as a learner because its good to learn about different countries, but to actually live the daily life as a Greek citizen made it a lot easier and more fun to learn.

  10. The most memorable thing that has happened to me in 6th grade is that homework is not a hard thing to do, in fact it can sometimes be a fun thing that you look forward to. I myself have never had homework till this year. I thought that it would be a boring bothersome thing but now that I have had it, it can be a very exiting and wholesome thing. 6th grade has changed my life.

  11. Through sixth grade I learned how a period style school system works. My favorite part of sixth grade was learning how to do algebra. I grew in math, science, history, language, and most importantly spiritually.

  12. I have learned so much this year!!! I won’t forget the Greek assembly that we had. I learned that being in the assembly is really hard! One reason why being in the assembly was hard because you have to vote on the law you believe in, and sometimes the law you vote on might not pass. I will always remember my 6th grade year forever!!😃😜

  13. As I look back on sixth grade the most memorable project or discovery that I say I learned is the iMovie project in Social Studies about Chinese dynasties. This project was very memorable to me because I got to bond with people that I usually wouldn’t talk to and work together to make a great project. That is the best most memorable project of the year

  14. I learned that if you try your best, you will succeed in life. Try your hardest in every subject and you will get rewarded. I also learned soooo much about Greece. Greece is amazing. I learned all about the Persian war, Greek daily life, and (my personal favorite) Greek mythology!!!!!!🐉🐲

  15. The most memorable project was the Earth Science iMovie. I learned about the Greek culture. I also really liked having pen pals. I gained responsibility.

  16. The memorable things of this year was doing the homework. Like the Pen Pal essyas, the Persuasive essays , and the fun projects. 6th grade was one of the most fun grades I have had In my life this year.

  17. I have learned so much this year!!! I won’t forget the Greek assembly that we had. I learned that being in the assembly is really hard! One reason why being in the assembly was hard because you have to vote on the law you believe in, and sometimes the law you vote on might not pass. I will always remember my 6th grade year forever!!😜😊

  18. I have learned so much this year!!! I won’t forget the Greek assembly that we had. I learned that being in the assembly is really hard! One reason why being in the assembly was hard because you have to vote on the law you believe in, and sometimes the law you vote on might not pass. I will always remember my 6th grade year forever!!

  19. I learned a lot this year. I really enjoyed the Greek assembly and the collaborative poems and I am looking forward to the Olympics. I like sixth grade. A lot.

  20. The most memorable thing I learned in 6th grade is that it was pretty cool and that all I’m going to say

  21. I have had a great 6th grade year. Monte Vista has changed my life. Before I came to this school I was a Catholic but I didn’t entirely understand the whole “Jesus God” thing. But now I have a very close relationship with God. I’ve learned so many things this year about how Jesus came down and died on the cross for all of us, and he carries our sins around like a heavy backpack with bricks in it. But he does it because he loves us so much. I loved my 6th grade year experience so much and I will never forget this year and I will ever forget my best teacher in the world, Mrs.Medina! I will miss my 6th grade year!

  22. I have learned a lot this year! I learned that to finish strong and try my best on the smallest and the biggest things and also I really enjoyed the social studies, earth science, and language arts projects! All those subjects were all so fun!

  23. I have learned so many things in 6 grade and I’ve had an wonderful school year full of great memories. I have to say the most important thing I have learned in 6 grade is that Jesus sees all our sins the same, not super bad sins or not so bad sins. In Jesus’s eyes all sins are the same.

  24. This school was WAY diffrent from my old school. So I learned a lot more things. The most I learned was God and how fragile you throw around words like ‘BFF and boyfriend’ and stuff like that. I love it here and all my friends I also look up to so many who helped though problems. I have so much knowledge that is still fresh in my brain that I can spew for many pages. The thing that sticks with me most is my realtionship with god and how’d it rapidly growed since one day in chapel. I’m in love this school, friends, and god with it.

  25. This year I have learned so much. I learned most of all that a class doesn’t have to be a place were you read from a book and answer questions. It can be a place were people who never knew become a really close FAMILY. My Language class was the best class ever. God Bless and I love y’all!!!!😅

  26. GOD! I have learned so many different things about God this year. Untill this year I didn’t even know that Jesus and God is the same person!!! I used to not be a very good Christian, and I didn’t know much about him at all. I don’t do to church weekly but that’s why I love going to MVCS because now I get to learn about him and its awesome!:)

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