“Be kind whenever possible. It is ALWAYS possible!” Dalai Lama

Be kind

First, be sure to read the quote in the green box carefully. Then, in a reply, give a specific example of how you can personally create a kind and caring culture here at Monte Vista. What can you do OR not do? Together we can make a difference!


80 thoughts on ““Be kind whenever possible. It is ALWAYS possible!” Dalai Lama

  1. Wow! A great quote. I guess some things you shouldn’t do is make fun of others. Hurting other peoples feelings is wrong. Showing sympathy is caring for others when they feel blue. As a person I will try to be nicer and more sympathetic. I hope to bring others up and not down, and smile instead of frown.

  2. I can show kindness towards other people by being more generous and if I be kind and caring towards other maybe they will be caring to others and soon Monte Vista will be a lot kinder to eachother.

  3. I can help buy letting people that might have many friends sit with the people that I sit with. We together can help by when someone feels down to ask what’s wrong and try to help them.

  4. One specific example of what I can do here in Monte Vista to create a kind and caring environment is to help to someone who is being hurt by someone else or be kind and caring to even those that I would not like to be friends with. I can try to think about what I am going to say or do before I do it. I could try to not be unrespectful and uncourteous.

  5. One way I could help create a kind and caring culture here at Monte Vista is to tell a teacher or adult if someone is being bullied. I won’t be a bully or selfish. I will always put others before me.

  6. I can make a difference by saying three nice things every day. This will make three people feel good and special everyday. Also if I notice someone being excluded I can talk to them and tell the people to let them join in or I can ask them if they would like to do something with me. Another thing is that if I see people sitting alone I can talk to them or ask them if I can sit with them or ask them if they would like to sit with my friends and I.

  7. I think to make a better school culture, we can stop bulling and try to act nicer to each other and we think about every one else.

  8. I can be kind by showing an example to others around me. I will not be mean or cruel. I can listen to others and show grace to others, even if they don’t deserve it. Being kind is the first start to make friends.

  9. One way I could make a positive change in our school culture is that I could be more patient with others and care for them more. I honestly hope I’ll be able to follow through with this change. I want to be a more patient and kind person then ever before.

  10. Wow! What a great quote. I guess some things I shouldn’t do are make fun of others. I also know I should be sympathetic. As a person I will try to be nicer and more sympathetic. I will try to bring others up instead of down, and smile instead of frown.

  11. Be open to everyone no matter what they look like or act like be open to what they have to say welcome new people and be nice make them feel good and be a friend to all don’t think you are the only person who matters because everyone should matter not just one person.

  12. I will show patience every day, even when tired and overwhelmed. I want my students to feel Christ’s patience and love when I am teaching.

  13. We can include everyone in every subject and be able to be nicer to everyone. Also, we can stop bullying and cyber bullying by being encouraging.

  14. I can personally be kind to someone when they are hurt inside or out. When someone doesn’t have a friend to sit with or a person to talk to I will be that person that they can be there. When everyone is hot headed and talk about drama I will make sure not to be in the drama and help the ones who are get hurt from the drama.

  15. I personally believe that I could help my friends and family. If someone has feelings that are hurt you should try to pick them up make them feel good and help them at anything they need. I believe in this. Be someone that matters to someone that matters which means everyone on God’s green earth. People are hurt by cyber bullies and real world bullies and it must stop.

  16. If there is some one sitting alone, I can go say encouraging and invite them to play or sit with my friends and I. If there is some one who gets on my nerves, or is mean, or bullies other I can try not to say anything, or not hang out with them. It makes me sad when people get bullied or other people are being mean to them, I hope that I try to defend as many people as I know who are being bullied.

    • I totally agree with you! I want everyone to be happy and satisfied on how people are treating them. I really agree with what your saying!

  17. I think this quote means that you should be the person that makes a difference in bullying, name calling, and cyber bullying. Only you can make a difference to stop bullying today.

  18. One way I can make Monte Vista better is to be nicer and more kind. I want to be nicer to people so I can have more friends and make everyone that I know and don’t know, happier. I want Monte Vista to be an even happier place than it already is!

  19. I can make a difference by greeting people I do not usually talk to and to people I have never met. I can try greeting new people everyday.

  20. I could help those being bullied by fighting off the bully or talking to Mr. Blute about what I saw. I haven’t been bullied at all at this school but I was at my old school so I know what it is like.

  21. I can create a kind and caring culture here at Monte Vista by forgiving others and giving grace. And eventually, our school will be more generous and caring to others. We may still be in the process of this, but I believe we will get there someday.

  22. We can indeed make a different by being more caring and inclusive in the way we treat each other. To be kind is the thing this world needs the most, because even if there are bad people, there will always be good ones. Monte Vista needs to be a place where we can find good people. How we can make people judge less, or hurt less, or falter when they wish to hurt another, is a difficult task, but one I want to attempt. I want to be more inclusive, and be friends with everyone. Because sometimes the people who are the most prickly, and hurtful, and rude, are the ones that really need your friendship.πŸ™‚

  23. I can personally create a kind and caring enviroment by talking to a new person that looks lonely. Maybe I can even make a new friend in the process. I can also create a good enviroment by choosing a different person to do projects with so I can also make new friends!

  24. We can improve school culture in many ways. One way we can improve our school culture is by sitting or playing or having lunch with different people.

  25. Everyone can have a buddy system. This is when you talk to one person that you wouldn’t usually talk to, but you’d ask them about their day and how it went and if it didn’t go that well, you could talk about it.

  26. I can create a kind and caring culture at MVCS by not making fun of anyone and helping them out with work if they are stuck.

  27. Some ways we can improve school cultures we can include people that are left out usually or try to make someone that is sad feel better. Also we can improve school culture by trying to do three acts of kindness.

  28. I think that we should stop gossiping behind other people’s back. We can be more kind and respectful with other people’s thoughts and feelings. We can invite people who are lonely to sit with you even though you don’t like that person. Don’t bully the person who bullies you because you too will become a bully.

  29. We can create a more safe and kind campus by being nice to each other. Like Mr. Blute said to the sixth grade boys, we should stop bullying each other.

  30. Great qoute. Some thing people can do is don’t gossip be nice and do good deeds. Some other thing people can do is stand up if you see some one getting bullied and don’t be a bully.

  31. I can welcome the new kids at our school by inviting them to sit with my group at lunch, or playing what they want to play. I can also give them a mini tour of the Middle School campus.

    I can help the lonely kids by inviting them to sit with our group, and talk to them or sit with them. If I see someone being bullied, I will make the victim feel better and tell a teacher immediately.

  32. I can create a great school culture by not being mean. “Mean” meaning gossiping, talking behind someone’s back, hurting them on propose, and much more. I can make people feel good about themselves be giving them compliments and and inviting them to sit with me if they are alone.

  33. I love that quote. Some ways I could show more kindness is when I’m in P.E. and playing four square people kick the ball away from me. It would be a little act of kindness but make a difference.

  34. Love the quote!!!!! I thought that we can improve school culture by helping a hand in need or just doing something nice! I think that helping people is the right thing to do. Be nice to people who are mean to you. Who knows… If you are nice to them they might be nice back.

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