Timeline Project



Students in Mrs. Medina’s Bible class created their own personal timeline to document the moments in their life that have shaped who they are today, as well as the milestones to look forward to. The lesson was part of a “know yourself” component to Social and Emotional Literacy, and was tied in with Hebrews 13:8– “Jesus Christ  is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

An Ideal Workspace



Mrs. Medina’s Study Skills class is working on what kind of workspace we would want if we had everything. It is a great project because it lets us just design a workspace, and the great thing about this project is that it could be non-fiction or fiction. Im looking forward to knowing what your workspace would be like?
-Posted by Byron

Alex the Horse



Alex is one of the many horses at M.V.C.S Equestrian Center. Students can be in Equestrian instead of P.E or do it as a elective. It teaches how to care for horses and how to ride. Students can join the school team, or just ride for fun. And students don’t have to own a horse; they have horses you can ride. I think this is an extraordinary thing to have at a school. What do you think?
By Elise

Feelings Wall



There are plates on a wall in our classroom that have a lot of different feelings written on them. Every day students come in and put their clothes pin on the feeling that they feel that day. If students don’t want others to know how they are feeling, they can just turn the clothes pin over. This helps us express our feelings and build others up if they are feeling down.
Posted by Luca

Decade Day! 1960s All Over Again!


This week is Homecoming! For Homecoming Week we celebrate our Mustang spirit! On Monday we dressed up as characters from the Disney movies. Tuesday is Decade Day. By that we mean that we dressed as someone from the 80s or from any other time. Wednesday we dressed in green to support kids at our school with cancer or have been affected by cancer. Thursday we dressed as toddlers. We wore things that a toddler would wear or would like. On Friday, we dressed in our school colors. Go Mustangs! The week ends with an exciting football game and the crowning of the school King and Queen.